+1 (512) 323-6999


Emergency Oxygen Provider


Emergency Oxygen Provider

Stock No. EO2
US$ 143.70

Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you’re ready to help others should the need arise. Becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider lets you breathe easy knowing that you can recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen, and are prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites, age restrictions or water sessions required for this course – it’s open to everyone. Scuba divers, snorkelers and anyone who is around divers – boat crew, lifeguards, etc. – will benefit from having this training.

Not sure about your schedule but you want to sign up for a class? Scroll to the bottom of the course listing and select the course marked "UNSCHEDULED." We will enroll you in an unscheduled class and you can contact us when your ready to choose your dates. We'll then move you into the class you chose. You can ignore the dates that appear on the unscheduled class listing.

  • None
  • Instruction
  • Digital certification eCard
  • Training equipment
  • Course materials


01 Jan 2027 | 1000 | 998

Scubaland Staff (Instructor)

More Info
Knowledge Development
Fri 01 Jan 2021

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