+1 (512) 323-6999


EFR: Instructor


EFR: Instructor

Stock No. EFRI
US$ 500.00

Th e Emergency First Response Instructor Course provides qualifi ed individuals with the additional training necessary to teach the four courses - Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First Aid), CPR & AED, and Care for Children. This course builds on the instructor candidates’ skills as primary and secondary care providers and focuses on developing their instructional abilities. Through independent study, classroom sessions and practice teaching assignments, instructor candidates learn to conduct the Emergency First Response courses.

The Emergency First Responder Instructor Course is designed to prepare PADI professionals (DM and above) to teach this comprehensive course to the general public. All Emergency First Response courses follow the emergency considerations and protocols as developed by the members of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Members include American Heart Association (AHA), European Resuscitation Council (ERC), Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC), New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC), Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC), Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa (RCSA), Inter American Heart Foundation (IAHF), Resuscitation Council of Asia (RCA – current members include Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan).

Not sure about your schedule but you want to sign up for a class? Scroll to the bottom of the course listing and select the course marked "UNSCHEDULED." We will enroll you in an unscheduled class and you can contact us when you're ready to choose your dates. We'll then move you into the class you chose. You can ignore the dates that appear on the unscheduled class listing.


  • Minimum age: 18
  • Must have complated an EFR Primary and Secondary Care course (or comparable training) within the past 24 months


  1. Those with current CPR/First Aid instructor credentials from other organizations may take the Emergency First Response Instructor Crossover course
  2. Licensed medical professionals (e.g. paramedics, EMTs, nurses, doctors) can enroll without having taken the provider-level courses within the past 24 months. However, these licensed medical professionals must show that their CPR and First Aid skills are current within the past 24 months
EFR provider-level training may be integrated into Instructor training if a candidate or licensed medical professional cannot document currency within 24 months. After provider-level training an EFR Completion Card must be issued
  • Instruction
  • EFR Instructor start-up pack
  • EFR Instructor application fee

01 Jan 2026 | 1000 | 1000

Robie Lewis (Instructor)

More Info
Sun 08 Sep 2024
Sun 08 Sep 2024
Class 2
Sun 08 Sep 2024
Sun 08 Sep 2024