The PADI Rescue Diver course is one of the most demanding and rewarding courses offered. The course encompasses general first aid and CPR techniques and teaches students how to apply those techniques to a diving related injury.
Students also learn techniques for conducting underwater search and recovery operations, in-water rescue breathing, removing unconscious victims from the water, and managing accident scenes. The Rescue Diver course also helps to develop skills such as self-rescue and situational awareness that will prevent accidents from happening.
The Rescue Diver course is a prerequisite for both the PADI Master SCUBA Diver rating and the PADI Divemaster rating.
Custom schedule and smaller class sizes with a staff instructor (as little as 3 days!)
Private lessons are designed for individuals with extremely challenging schedules and for those that want to work at their own pace during all phases of instruction. Classroom, pool, and open water checkouts are conducted at the convenience of the participant and can be completed in multiple weeks or in as few as 3 days.
PADI Open Water Diver eLearning is an online multimedia experience that provides animation and video in addition to text. You can start your SCUBA training as soon as we send you your digital authorization code.